Buy Tax

Tax Distributions on Buy Transactions: On every buy transaction, a 4.08% tax is applied, which is automatically distributed as follows:

100% of 4.08% split

5% Vaporized Automatically (sent in $WORLD)

15% allocated Automatically to the Liquidity Pool

20% allocated to the BBV - Buy Back and Vaporize wallet

10% allocated to the World Pool (sent in $WORLD)

50% allocated to the World Treasury

In the case of an Affiliate BUY, the following changes apply:

and the 0.25% is sent DAILY AUTOMATICALLY in $WORLD to the person referring the buyer

Note :

BBV Wallet will be used to manually initiate BBV events, by transferring the acquired $WORLD to the Unclaimed World Pool Wallet, which will then proceed to Vaporize the $WORLD weekly every Friday 00:00 UTC

BNB will be extracted from LP, BBV and World Treasury BUY Tx/ns segments, not WORLD tokens.

Last updated