Fair Launch

Fair Launch will be conducted on Pinksale https://www.pinksale.finance/launchpad/0x837D465Ef677a9178e292a027aa23dB9a1814796?chain=BSC

Link will be provided & BUY button on homepage will forward to direct BUY LANDING page

  1. 54,420 tokens for Sale

  2. Presale Rate PINKSALE - 362.8WORLD per 1BNB

  3. Listing Rate PANCAKESWAP 1 BNB - 326.5 WORLD

  4. Min Buy - 0.01 BNB

  5. Max Buy - 1 BNB

  6. Soft CAP - 75 BNB

  7. Hard CAP - 150 BNB

  8. Tokens unsold will be burnt to 0x dead address

  9. Allocation from Launch Sale

    1. 51% - LP provision BNB/$WORLD on Pancakeswap

      • LP locked with Pinklock min 365 days

    2. 49% - Worldwide Treasury

  10. Date : Tuesday 15th of August 22:00 PM

  11. NO BUY TAX on Pinksale

  12. Token Allocation: A total of 85'000 tokens will be minted for pre-sale. Please note as launch is in BNB, different amount of tokens are necessary for the launch + taxes + Pinksale commission depending on BNB price at the time of sale ie. why the delta between tokens for sale and tokens minted.

  13. Token Burning and Minting: There is no provision for minting new tokens. The token supply is fixed, and any unsold tokens will be burnt to Null wallet address to maintain scarcity and increase the value of existing tokens.

  14. Team Allocation: There is no allocation of tokens for the team. The launch will be fair, ensuring equal opportunities for all participants.


5% of BNB raised is commission for Pinksale.

Att. NO 2% of Tokens + 2% of BNB : rules of Pinksale, stipulate => 5% of Tokens SOLD daily (from that 2% TOTAL of $WORLD listed on Pink), no TAX collected, APY granted. ie BAD IDEA. This way clean PUMP. no SELLS from Pinksale.

Last updated